Item 1: Roll Call. Murray? Present.
Item 2: Have you ever grown facial hair before? No. This is the first time I've ever gone without shaving for longer than 2 days. I've always wanted to grow a hockey playoff beard, but sadly, I don't play hockey, as I can't skate backwards or stop without running into the boards. I'd have a real problem staying onsides.
Item 3: Why Mustaches? Are mustaches really that embarrassing? (usually asked by someone who has a fully-formed adult mustache) I think it's less about embarrassment over growing a mustache than the process of growing the mustache, slowly, when people are used to seeing you without. And there's the fact that it looks like an anorexic porcupine has climbed on my face to rest. But your mustache looks awesome! Seriously! Unless Charlotte's own Adam Morrison is reading this, in which case, sorry guy.
Item 4: Let's skip item 4 and post a clip from the film that made Joe Don Baker a household name - 1975's bad cop epic, "Mitchell". Yes, let's.
Wasn't that awesome? Yes. But it would've been even more badass if he'd had a mustache. Although that 'stache would've acted as a strainer for an awful lot of Schlitz.
Item 5: The real most-frequently asked question I get. How is Julie holding up after 3 weeks of you with a mustache? Well, I'll let her answer.
JULIE: I hear you all keep asking Chris "how I'm holding up" now that I am dating a mustachioed man. You may be worried that we could go on a break any minute due to the overgrowth of hair in the upper lip region of his face. But fear not, dear friends. I am a positive thinker. Check out the top 5 reasons I LOVE the stache!
Julie's Top 5 List
5. Stache sponsored parties.
4. People's pity = free drinks
3. I don't have to worry about getting carded - people think he is my dad.
2. To show support, I have not shaved my legs for 20 days
And #1 (drum roll please....)
1. Free exfoliation!

So there you have it...hope to see everyone in Charlotte at George Herman's tomorrow night (THURSDAY)!