As I described in my last post, when you have as many as 3 individual daily visitors to a blog, you've got to use that power for good. And since we here at QOTD headquarters have had dozens* of requests for the return of the quote of the day, well, this just couldn't have worked out better. (*Dozens of requests, but only two people making them - it was mostly just Javad Khazaeli and Brian Williams, hoping to reopen the
QOTD DC satellite bureau) So, anyway, we're back, and this time in blog form. But we're still open to quote suggestions, just like the old days. Write us at
To kick us off, who better than George Oscar Bluth (Will Arnett) from
Arrested Development to lay some ground rules for the
revival of the Quote of the Day:
"Please refrain from discussing or engaging in any sort of interoffice [bleep]ing or [bleep]ing or finger [bleep] or [bleep]ing or [bleep]ing or even [bleep]. Even though so many people in this office are begging for it. And if anybody does anything with my sister Lindsay, I’ll take off my pants, I’ll shave my [bleep]. And I’ll personally [long bleep]"
For the first time ever, your blog is not blocked in China.
To be honest, this has me deeply concerned. Delighted! But concerned. Apparently the censors don't realize the threat posed by that mustache.
Yeah! You have officially made my Monday! Wow, QOTD. Yeah!
On the darkest of all days of the week, during the darkest of all times of the day, I have seen a great beacon of hope emerge - renewal of QOTD on this Monday morning... a great service to society
Yeah right, like I'm going to read this QOTD blog each day in my $2600 pants. C'MON!!!!
I've made a HUGE mistake.
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