Monday, June 16, 2008

quote of the day (June 16, 2008)

Well, some big news transpired since the last quote on Friday afternoon. First, a somber rest-in-peace to Tim Russert. He was one of the few political commentators that people of all viewpoints seemed to trust, and he will be missed.

Russert and his low-tech whiteboard, going through voting scenarios during the 2000 election

And if you've ever gotten to see or hear him on a late-night talk show or as a guest on a call-in show, you probably know he also had a wicked sense of humor. From an article in the Cleveland Plain-Dealer, he talked about his time in Cleveland as a law student:
As a Cleveland-Marshall College of Law student in 1974, Russert attended the infamous "10-cent-beer night" at Cleveland Municipal Stadium that ended in drunken rioting by Indians fans.

"I went with $2 in my pocket," recalls the "Meet the Press" host. "You do the math."

And, in more ridiculous news, R. Kelly was acquitted on Friday on all charges from one of the silliest trials ever. Josh Levin of has been keeping up with all of the trial's goings-on, and he has this advice for any of our alert readers who are interested in the law:

"The legal lesson here: If your star witness is the kind of character who would have a threesome with R. Kelly, you probably need to find yourself a better star witness."

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