Friday, June 20, 2008

quote of the day (June 20, 2008)

It's a Medical Friday here at QOTD. This might be because we're feeling a bit creaky this morning after a substandard night's sleep. Or it could just be that we've got a great quote from an alert reader/friend of QOTD and we want to use it.

Prepare the defribrillator. CLEAR!

The aforementioned alert reader/Charlotte musician Matt Miller calls to mind the glorious sound of aluminum on cowhide, as he describes his recent ordeal passing several kidney stones:

"It sounded like the College World Series in there. Ping! Ping! Ping!"

This quote has been endorsed by Major League Super Star Fred McGriff!

And now, more groin-based humor from our favorite medical show of all time (No, not Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman), Scrubs:

JD (Zach Braff): "Dr.Cox.."

Dr.Cox (John McGinley): "Newbie, if the next two words out of your mouth aren't 'See ya' then the third word will be 'Oh my god. My crotch. You've punched me in my crotch.'"

JD: "See Ya!"

a helpful PSA from our friends at Scrubs

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