Tuesday, June 24, 2008

quote of the day (June 24, 2008)

There has been a general pall over QOTD headquarters in the last couple of days. One of our QOTD fleet cars was broken into on Friday, and the perpetrator stole several items of value, including our Secret Quote Vault™. (don't ask why we would carry anything so valuable around in a fleet vehicle)

Anyway, the combination of our malaise and our missing quote vault led to our skipping yesterday's quote. We offer a heartfelt apology to our reader.

Whenever in a funk, instead of angry dancing, we prefer to turn to the gentle wisdom of Flight of the Conchords, New Zealand's fourth most-popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo, to cheer us up.

Gingerballs? Present.

Today's quote, from their song "Cheer Up, Murray" makes even more sense, considering FotC band manager Murray is the inspiration for this blog's original name. Prepare your spirits for lifting:

"So people don't return your calls
They don't return your calls
And people will call you Gingerballs
They'll call you Gingerballs
Those people don't know what they see
They just see Gingerballs

Cheer up, Murray
It's time to forget
Your wife met someone on the 'Net
Let's go and get an ice cream

Cheer up, Murray
Though nothing goes your way
It's the same every day
Well, tomorrow is another day"

And, for good measure, the song in total:

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