we just can't miss out on paying tribute to two of our favorite entertainers who passed away over the weekend. First, Bernie Mac, one of the "Original Kings of Comedy" (a comedy tour that eventually spawned a movie shot just miles from the QOTD compound in Charlotte) and star of the perpetually underrated Bernie Mac Show. Mac died on Saturday morning from complications of pneumonia.
From the Bernie Mac Show: "[to his dog] Shut up before I drop yo ass off at Koreatown. Now hold on, America, don't start writing no letters. I'm just kidding. But am I lying?"
The other gentleman to pass away before his time was the great soul singer Isaac Hayes. Best known for the theme song to Shaft (shut yo' mouth!), he was closest to our generations' hearts with his portrayal of Chef from South Park. Chef was always kind and wise, and was the kids' most-trusted authority figure in town when they were confused, as seen in this exchange from the episode "Fat Camp" in season 4:
Stan: "Chef, what's a prostitute?"
Chef: "Dag-nabbit children! How come every time you come in here you gotta be askin' me questions that I shouldn't be answering?! 'Chef, what's the clitoris?' 'What's a lesbian, Chef?' 'How come they call it a rim job, Chef?' For once, can't you just come in here and say, 'Hi Chef. Nice day, isn't it?'!"
Stan: "Ok. Hi Chef. Nice day isn't it?"
Chef: "Thank you. Yes, it is a nice day"
Stan: "Chef, what's a prostitute?"

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