Monday, August 4, 2008

quote of the day (August 4, 2008)

Continuing our baseball announcers' tributes, it seems appropriate to have a day dedicated to longtime Atlanta Braves' play-by-play announcer Skip Carey, who passed away over the weekend. Besides being one of the most recognizable voices in all of announcing, he had a great sarcastic sense of humor.

Here are a couple of Skip's funniest:

"The bases are loaded, just like (Marlins' manager) Jack McKeon probably wishes he was."

(on a day back in the early 80's when the Braves only had 6,000 fans in attendance) "It's a partial sellout."

Also we have some exclusive footage of the Quotemaster General in his chance at playing on Busch Stadium's field. Take a look at that bat speed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No youtube at home...not quite what I was expecting. Solid game, though I was partial to Baseball Stars on NES.
