Friday, July 18, 2008

quote of the day (July 18, 2008)

First, on a somber note, the great former St. Louis Steamer (professional indoor soccer) goalkeeper Slobo Ilijevski passed away at the age of 58 from a ruptured aorta. Bad times. He once was the featured pep rally speaker at the Official High School of QOTD, St. Louis U. High when alert reader Kevin Doll was in school there. He remembers the gist of a part of Slobo's speech (paraphrased. the last line is a direct quote):

"When I was in America for the first time, my visa was running out, I had failed in earlier tryouts and I had one more chance. I did not have money, but I did have just enough to buy cookie!...I love cookies!" (students give him a standing ovation)

As a happier transition to the next quote, here is the greatest soccer-related piece of humor in the history of mankind. It helps if you have a working knowledge of philosophy and of soccer. From Monty Python, "International Philosophy":

"And Marx claims that it was offsides." Best. Line. Ever.

So as promised above, here's a much happier quote to start your weekend off, assuming you're not actually Dwight Schrute, whose choices of girlfriends has always been a little questionable...

"I've been doing surveilance for years. One time I suspected my girlfriend was cheating on me, so I tailed her for six straight nights. Turns out she was. A couple of guys, actually."

--Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) discusses his credentials as a private eye

Dwight Schrute's profile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just ordered a sweet Dwight Schrute for President shirt from They have tons of stuff from The Office. They said not to tell anyone, but here is a 10% discount code, pts10 (it is case sensitive, so copy and paste it). Enjoy!