Many of you in our worldwide QOTD audience are undoubtedly looking forward to The Dark Knight, the newest Batman movie that is released a week from Friday. In the newest iteration, Christian Bale plays Batman. Sure he's got the GOB-like voice and the gravitas needed to be an excellent Batman. But all Caped Crusaders take a back seat to the crimefighting genius that was Adam West.
In the 1966 movie version, after Batman has warded off an attack by an exploding shark with a handy spray-can of Shark Repellent, he and Robin meet with Commissioner Gordon and Chief O'Hara to identify the plot's mastermind:
Commissioner Gordon: "Could be any one of them, but which one? W— which ones?"
Chief O'Hara: [gasps]
Batman: "Pretty fishy what happened to me on that ladder."
Gordon: "You mean, where there's a fish, there could be a Penguin."
Robin: "But wait! It happened at sea! See? "C" for Catwoman!"
Batman: "Yet... that exploding shark was pulling my leg!"
Gordon: "The Joker!"
O'Hara: "It all adds up to a sinister riddle. Riddle-er. Riddler?"
Gordon: "Oh! A thought strikes me! So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance."
Batman: "The four of them. Their forces combined..."
Robin: "Holy nightmare!"
Gordon: "Penguin, Joker, Riddler... and Catwoman, too! The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrous to contemplate!"
Batman: "We've been given the plainest warning. They're working together to take over..."
O'Hara: "Take over what, Batman? Gotham City?"
Batman: "Any two of them would try that!"
Gordon: "The whole country?"
Batman: "If it were three of them, I would say yes, but four? Their minimum objective must be... the entire world."
So, starting tomorrow, we're going to rank the movie Batmans, on a Bat-rating scale from 0 (Prince's "Batdance") to 100 (this scene).
So, tune in tomorrow - same bat-time, same bat-channel!
1 comment:
those were some lucky ducks
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