(These can be found at Slate Magazine in a larger article called, "Dispatches from the R. Kelly Trial.")
"If the defense is to be believed, Kelly is looking at someone other than himself [on the sex tape showing in the courtroom]. In the defense's opening statement, Sam Adam Jr. proclaims, "Robert Kelly is not on that tape." I predict that in the decades to come, law schools will teach this as the "Shaggy defense." You allege that I was caught on camera, butt naked, banging on the log cabin floor? It wasn't me." --The article's author, Josh Levin, dissects the defense strategy
"[Defense lawyer] Adam Jr. asks whether [prosecution witness] Jamison has seen a "Waymon Brothers" movie called Little Man. "They took the head of Marlon Waymons and put it on a midget, and it looked real, didn't it?" Adam Jr. exclaims, emphasizing the last two words for maximum "gotcha" effect. Jamison looks at him like he's a lunatic or, at least, an astoundingly bad film critic. "Not reeeally," she says, her voice lilting in disbelief as the courtroom breaks up. Congratulations to the Waymon Brothers: This is the first time Little Man has generated laughter."
--Levin again, on another defense strategy. Maybe next Adam Jr will trot out the Chewbacca defense..."if Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!"

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